diff options
7 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..118c422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+[ -f certificate.jpg ] || exit
+for file in *Participants.csv; do
+ event="${file%Participants.csv}"
+ mkdir -pv "$event"
+ while IFS=\| read -r email name; do echo
+ # [ -f "$event/$email" ] && continue
+ convert -verbose certificate.jpg \
+ -pointsize 200 -fill white -font MesloLGL-Nerd-Font-Bold \
+ -annotate +3700+2550 "$name" -annotate +3700+3100 "$event" \
+ "$event/$email.jpg"
+ done < "$file"
diff --git a/gfz b/gfz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a30fb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfz
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+alias zip='zip -FSr'
+cd "$FILESDIR" || exit
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4" sem4
+zip "$ZIPDIR/sem5" sem5
+# cd "$FILESDIR/sem4" || exit
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4/AAD" AAD -x AAD/P04_Flutter/firebase/\* AAD/P04_Flutter/Flutter/\*
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4/Android" Android
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4/CN" CN
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4/IOT" IOT
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4/SE" SE
+# zip "$ZIPDIR/sem4/TOC" TOC
+cd "$FILESDIR/sem5" || exit
+zip "$ZIPDIR/sem5/AI" AI
+zip "$ZIPDIR/sem5/INS" INS
+zip "$ZIPDIR/sem5/STQA" STQA
diff --git a/syncclg b/syncclg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a831600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syncclg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+cd ~/GDrive/vartak/CS/practical-files/sem5 || exit
+printf "\nSyncing Drive..."
diff --git a/vartak-results-data b/vartak-results-data
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e63f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vartak-results-data
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+help() { echo "vartak-results-data - convert vartak results pdf into CSV data files
+ vartak-results-data [OPTION]... <FILE>
+ -d DEST produce data in the specified DESTination path/directory
+ -t top header
+ -h show this help message"; }
+warn() { printf "WARNING: %s\n" "$@" >&2; }
+err() { printf "vartak-result-data: %b\n" "$@" >&2; exit 1; }
+while getopts 'td:h' o; do case "$o" in
+ d) export DEST="$OPTARG" ;;
+ t) tflag=1 ;;
+ h) help; exit ;;
+ *) err "invalid option -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
+esac done
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+[ "$#" -lt 1 ] && help >&2 && exit 1
+[ "${1#*ATKT}" != "$1" ] && err "ATKT files are not supported"
+filetype="$(file --mime-type --brief "$1")"
+case "$filetype" in
+ application/pdf) pdftotext -layout "$1"; file="${1%.pdf}.txt"; tmp=1 ;;
+ text/plain) file="$1" ;;
+ *) err "only PDF and text files are supported\n$1 :-\n\t$filetype" ;;
+file="$(realpath "$file")"
+printf "\n:: Preparing data in : %s\n" "${DEST:=$PWD}"
+mkdir -pv "$DEST"
+cd "$DEST" || exit
+if [ "$tflag" = 1 ]; then
+ header="$(sed -nE "0,/^Seat .*Name \s{2,}(.*Total).*$/ s//\1/p" "$file" |
+ sed -E 's/\s?\[ [0-9]+(\s\])?\s*/,/g; s/,$//')"
+ header="$(sed -nE '0,/^[0-9]{5} [/A-Z ]*\s{2,}(.*)/ s//\1/p' "$file" |
+ sed -E 's/\s?\[ [0-9]+(\s\])?\s*/,/g; s/,$//')"
+if [ -f names.csv ]; then
+ echo "names.csv already exists, skipping..."
+ echo "Seat No,Name" >> names.csv
+ awk -f - "$file" >> names.csv << EOF
+ /^[0-9]{5}/ {
+ name = ""
+ for (i = 2; \$i !~ /^(${header%%[ ,]*}|INTER|TW)/; i++) { name = name " " \$i }
+ sub(/^\s*/, "", name)
+ print \$1 "," name
+ }
+header="Seat No,$header"
+if [ -f marks.csv ]; then
+ echo "marks.csv already exists, skipping..."
+ echo "$header" > marks.csv
+ awk '
+ /^[0-9]{5}/ { printf("%d", $1) }
+ !/^[0-9]/ && !/Seat/ && !/Total\s*\[/ && /Total/ {
+ start = 1
+ while ($start != "Total") start++
+ start++
+ for (i = start; i <= NF; i++) {
+ if ($i ~ /^AB$/) {
+ printf(",%s", "0")
+ } else if ($i ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ printf(",%d", $i)
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n")
+ }
+ ' "$file" >> marks.csv
+if [ -f GP.csv ]; then
+ echo "GP.csv already exists, skipping..."
+ echo "${header%,Total}" > GP.csv
+ awk '
+ /^[0-9]{5}/ { printf("%d", $1) }
+ / GP / {
+ start = 1
+ while ($start != "GP") start++
+ start++
+ for (i = start; i <= NF; i++) {
+ if ($i ~ /F/) {
+ printf(",%s", "0")
+ } else if ($i ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ printf(",%d", $i)
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n")
+ }
+ ' "$file" >> GP.csv
+if [ -f CGP.csv ]; then
+ echo "CGP.csv already exists, skipping..."
+ echo "$header,CGPA" > CGP.csv
+ awk '
+ /^[0-9]{5}/ { printf("%d", $1) }
+ / GPA / { gpa = $NF }
+ / CG / {
+ start = 1
+ while ($start != "CG") start++
+ start++
+ for (i = start; i <= NF; i++) {
+ if ($i ~ /F/) {
+ printf(",%s", "0")
+ } else if ($i ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ printf(",%d", $i)
+ }
+ }
+ printf(",%.2f\n", gpa)
+ }
+ ' "$file" >> CGP.csv
+rows() {
+ [ -z "$(sed -n '1!d; /^Seat No,/p' "$1")" ] &&
+ warn "missing header in file: $1";
+ grep -cv 'Seat No' "$1"
+# no. of rows for each files
+nr_names="$(rows names.csv)"
+nr_marks="$(rows marks.csv)"
+nr_GP="$(rows GP.csv)"
+nr_CGP="$(rows CGP.csv)"
+if [ "$nr_names" != "$nr_marks" ] ||
+ [ "$nr_names" != "$nr_GP" ] ||
+ [ "$nr_names" != "$nr_CGP" ]; then
+ warn "inconsitent number of rows"
+cols() { awk -F, '
+ NR == 1 { min = NF }
+ { if (NF > max) max = NF; if (NF < min) min = NF }
+ END {
+ if (max != min)
+ print "WARNING: inconsitent columns in file: " FILENAME > "/dev/stderr"
+ print max
+ }
+ ' "$1"; }
+# no. of columns for each file
+nc_names="$(cols names.csv)"
+nc_marks="$(cols marks.csv)"
+nc_GP="$(cols GP.csv)"
+nc_CGP="$(cols CGP.csv)"
+[ "$nc_names" != 2 ] &&
+ warn "names data doesn't have exactly 2 columns"
+[ "$nc_marks" != "$(( nc_GP + 1))" ] &&
+ warn "marks data doesn't have an additional column GP data"
+[ "$nc_CGP" != "$(( nc_marks + 1 ))" ] &&
+ warn "CGP data doesn't have an additional column to marks data"
+printf ":: Finished\n"
+# clean up
+[ "$tmp" = 1 ] && rm -f "$file"
diff --git a/vartak-results-final.awk b/vartak-results-final.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a156277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vartak-results-final.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+BEGIN { FS="," }
+FNR == 1 { next }
+FILENAME ~ /\/?names.csv$/ { names[$1] = $NF; next }
+FILENAME ~ /\/?marks.csv$/ { marks[$1] = $NF; next }
+FILENAME ~ /\/?CGP.csv$/ { gpas[$1] = $NF; next }
+END {
+ i = 1
+ for (sn in names) {
+ order[i++] = sn
+ if (marks[sn] == 0) { marks[sn] = ""; results[sn] = "AB" }
+ else if (gpas[sn] == 0) results[sn] = "F"
+ else results[sn] = gpas[sn]
+ }
+ if (sort == "yes") {
+ rank="\n\t\t\t<th>Rank</th>\n"
+ n = length(order)
+ for (i in order) {
+ max = i
+ for (j = i; j <= n; j++) {
+ sn1 = order[max]; sn2 = order[j]
+ if (results[sn1] == results[sn2]) {
+ if (marks[sn1] < marks[sn2]) max = j
+ }
+ else if (results[sn1] == "AB") max = j
+ else if (results[sn1] == "F") {
+ if (results[sn2] != "AB") max = j
+ }
+ else if (gpas[sn1] < gpas[sn2]) max = j
+ }
+ if (max != i) { t = order[i]; order[i] = order[max]; order[max] = t }
+ }
+ }
+ print("<table>\n\
+ <thead>\n\
+ <tr>\n" rank\
+" <th>Seat<br>No.</th>\n\
+ <th>Name</th>\n\
+ <th>Total<br>Marks</th>\n\
+ <th>GPA</th>\n\
+ </tr>\n\
+ </thead>\n\
+ <tbody>")
+ for (i in order) {
+ sn = order[i]
+ if (results[sn] == "AB") {
+ print("\t\t<tr class=\"absent\">")
+ } else if (results[sn] == "F") {
+ print("\t\t<tr class=\"fail\">")
+ } else if (gpas[sn] >= 9) {
+ print("\t\t<tr class=\"pass notable\">")
+ } else {
+ print("\t\t<tr class=\"pass\">")
+ }
+ if (sort == "yes") printf("\t\t\t<td class=\"numeric\">%s</td>\n", i)
+ printf("\t\t\t<td class=\"numeric\">%s</td>\n", sn)
+ printf("\t\t\t<td class=\"name\">%s</td>\n", names[sn])
+ printf("\t\t\t<td class=\"numeric\">%s</td>\n", marks[sn])
+ printf("\t\t\t<td class=\"numeric\">%s</td>\n", results[sn])
+ print("\t\t</tr>")
+ }
+ print("\t</tbody>")
+ print("</table>")
diff --git a/vartak-results-show b/vartak-results-show
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6872943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vartak-results-show
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+help() { echo "vartak-results-show - display results with names of students
+ vartak-results-show [OPTION]... <FILE>
+ -s FIELD sort by FIELD name
+ -S FIELD sort by FIELD name (reversed)
+ -N NAMES path to file that has student names data
+ -h show this help message
+FILE is the CSV file that contains scores of each student.
+FIELD name is one of the field from CSV header.
+NAMES data is the file containing the names of student. By default, it's
+assumed that this file is named as 'names.csv' and is present in the current
+directory. This file should have seat no in first column and names in the
+second."; }
+err() { printf 'vartak-results-show: %s\n' "$@" >&2; exit 1; }
+while getopts 'ns:S:N:h' o; do case "$o" in
+ h) help; exit ;;
+ *) err "invalid option -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
+esac done
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+[ ! -f "${NAMEFILE:=names.csv}" ] && err "file not found: $NAMEFILE"
+[ "$(awk -F, '{print NF; exit}' "$NAMEFILE")" != 2 ] &&
+ err "NAMES data doesn't have exactly 2 columns"
+[ "$#" -lt 1 ] && help >&2 && exit 1
+data="$(awk -F, '
+ FNR == NR { a[$1] = $2; next; }
+ {
+ printf("%s%s%s", $1, FS, a[$1])
+ for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
+ printf("%s%s", FS, $i)
+ }
+ print ""
+ }
+ ' "$NAMEFILE" "$1")"
+header="$(echo "$data" | head -1)"
+data="$(echo "$data" | tail +2)"
+if [ -n "$SORTFIELD" ]; then
+ FIELDINDEX="$(echo "$header" | sed -n 's/,/\n/gp' |
+ grep -nx "$SORTFIELD" | cut -d: -f1)"
+ data="$(echo "$data" | sort -n "$SORTOPTS" -t, -k "$FIELDINDEX")" || exit
+(printf "Sr. No,%s\n" "$header"; echo "$data" | nl -s, -w1) |
+ column --table --separator ',' --table-right 1,2,4-20
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2953fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+export RESULT_DIR="$HOME/GDrive/vartak/results"
+export SITE_BASE_DIR="$HOME/Dev/"
+export DATA_DIR="$SITE_BASE_DIR/data/results"
+export CONTENT_DIR="$SITE_BASE_DIR/content/results"
+hugo_new() {
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$1")"
+ echo "+++
+title = \"${2:-$1}\"
+date = $(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:::z)
++++" > "$1" &&
+ echo "Content \"$1\" created"
+# rm -r "$CONTENT_DIR"
+# rm "$CONTENT_DIR/"
+# rm -r "$CONTENT_DIR/2022-23/fycs-sem2"
+cd "$SITE_BASE_DIR" || exit
+[ ! -f "$CONTENT_DIR/" ] && {
+ hugo_new "$CONTENT_DIR/" "📝 Vartak Exam Results"
+find "$RESULT_DIR" -type f -iwholename "*$1*" -name '*-REGULAR-*.pdf' \
+ -printf '%P\n' | while read -r file; do
+ dir="$DATA_DIR/${file%.pdf}"
+ outdir="$(echo "${file%.pdf}" | sed 's/-\(REGULAR\|ATKT\)-.*$//; s/\(.*\)/\L\1/')"
+ outdir="$CONTENT_DIR/${outdir%-*}$(echo "${outdir##*-}" |
+ sed 's/iv/iiii/; s/v/iiiiii/' | tr -d \\n | wc -m)"
+ [ -d "$dir" ] || {
+ case "${file%%/*}" in
+ 2022-23)
+ case "${file##*/}" in
+ SYIT*) vartak-results-data -td "$dir" "$RESULT_DIR/$file" ;;
+ *) vartak-results-data -d "$dir" "$RESULT_DIR/$file" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ 2023-24)
+ case "${file##*/}" in
+ vartak-results-data -td "$dir" "$RESULT_DIR/$file" ;;
+ FYBMS*|SYBMS*) continue ;;
+ *) vartak-results-data -d "$dir" "$RESULT_DIR/$file" ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) vartak-results-data -d "$dir" "$RESULT_DIR/$file" ;;
+ esac
+ [ -d "$dir" ] && rm -rf "$outdir"
+ }
+ [ -f "$outdir/_index.html" ] && continue
+ title="$(echo "${dir##*/}" |
+ sed 's/-\(REGULAR\|ATKT\)-.*$//; s/SEM/Sem/; s/-/ /g;')"
+ hugo_new "$outdir/_index.html" "📜 $title"
+ echo "<p style=\"text-align: center\">Checkout <a href=\"toppers\">top scorers</a> 🚀</p>" >> "$outdir/_index.html"
+ vartak-results-final.awk "$dir/names.csv" "$dir/marks.csv" "$dir/CGP.csv" >> "$outdir/_index.html"
+ [ -f "$outdir/toppers.html" ] && continue
+ hugo_new "$outdir/toppers.html" "🎓 $title"
+ vartak-results-final.awk sort=yes "$dir/names.csv" "$dir/marks.csv" "$dir/CGP.csv" >> "$outdir/toppers.html"
+find "$CONTENT_DIR" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read -r dir; do
+ [ -f "$dir/" ] && continue
+ hugo_new "$dir/" "🗓️ ${dir##*/}"