# i3blocks configuration file # # The i3blocks man page describes the usage of the binary, # and its website describes the configuration: # https://vivien.github.io/i3blocks # # List of valid properties: # align # color # command # full_text # instance # interval # label # min_width # name # separator # separator_block_width # short_text # signal # urgent # Global properties separator=false separator_block_width=35 # Guess the weather hourly [weather] separator=true separator_block_width=50 command=i3weather interval=1800 color=#A4C2F4 [badwidth] seprator=false command=echo "$(i3bandwidth)" interval=1 [wifi] # command=echo "📡 $(i3wifi wlp0s20f3)" command=i3wifi wlp0s20f0u9 interval=1 [battery] command=i3battery interval=1 [cpu] command=echo " $(i3cpu)" interval=3 [memory] separator=true separator_block_width=50 command=echo " $(i3memory)" interval=1 [datetime] separator=false separator_block_width=25 # command=case "$BLOCK_BUTTON" in 1) TERM=256colors clearx -n 'cal -y --color=always | less' ;; 2) $TERMINAL -e nvim ~/.config/i3blocks/config ;; esac; date +'🕒 %H:%M:%S 🗓️ %a %d.%m.%Y ' command=case "$BLOCK_BUTTON" in 1) $TERMINAL -e sh -c 'cal -y --color=always | less' ;; 2) $TERMINAL -e nvim ~/.config/i3blocks/config ;; esac; date +' %H:%M:%S 󰃭 %a %d.%m.%Y ' color=#CCFFFF interval=1 # [ip] # command=hostname -i # | awk '{ print "IP:" $1 }' # interval=once # color=#91E78B