#!/bin/sh # i3block for displaying the current temperature, humidity and precipitation, if wttr.in i unavailable then WEATHER UNAVAILABLE will be displayed case "$BLOCK_BUTTON" in '') ;; 1) $TERMINAL -e less -r ~/.cache/weather.txt & sleep 0.3 i3-msg 'move to workspace "12: Weather"; workspace "12: Weather"' >/dev/null 2>&1 ;; 2) $TERMINAL -e nvim "$0" ;; *) notify-send "⛅ Refreshing weather info..." ;; esac HTTP_WEATHER="https://wttr.in/Vasai" # weather="$(curl -s "$HTTP_WEATHER?format=%c%C++❄️+%t++☀️+%f++🌬️+%w")" weather="$(curl -Ss "$HTTP_WEATHER?0&T&Q" | cut -c 16- | head -2 | xargs echo "$(curl -s "$HTTP_WEATHER?format=%c")")" if [ "$(echo "$weather" | grep -Ec "(Unknown|curl|HTML)")" -gt 0 ]; then echo "WEATHER UNAVAILABLE" else echo "${weather:-⛅ -- }" fi curl -s "$HTTP_WEATHER" > ~/.cache/weather.txt