path: root/.config/lf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/lf')
11 files changed, 1022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/lf/brodie/draw_img b/.config/lf/brodie/draw_img
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a70d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/brodie/draw_img
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+clear_screen() {
+ printf '\e[%sH\e[9999C\e[1J%b\e[1;%sr' \
+ "$((LINES-2))" "${TMUX:+\e[2J}" "$max_items"
+# Get a file's mime_type.
+mime_type=$(file -bi "$1")
+# File isn't an image file, give warning.
+if [[ $mime_type != image/* ]]; then
+ lf -remote "send $id echoerr 'Not an image'"
+ exit
+read -r w3m _ < <(type -p w3mimgdisplay "${w3m_paths[@]}")
+read -r LINES COLUMNS < <(stty size)
+# Get terminal window size in pixels and set it to WIDTH and HEIGHT.
+export $(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowgeometry --shell)
+# Get the image size in pixels.
+read -r img_width img_height < <("$w3m" <<< "5;${CACHE:-$1}")
+((img_width > WIDTH)) && {
+ ((img_height=img_height*WIDTH/img_width))
+ ((img_width=WIDTH))
+((img_height > HEIGHT)) && {
+ ((img_width=img_width*HEIGHT/img_height))
+ ((img_height=HEIGHT))
+# Variable needed for centering image.
+HALF_HEIGHT=$(expr $HEIGHT / 2)
+HALF_WIDTH=$(expr $WIDTH / 2)
+HALF_IMG_HEIGHT=$(expr $img_height / 2)
+HALF_IMG_WIDTH=$(expr $img_width / 2)
+# Hide the cursor.
+printf '\e[?25l'
+# Display the image.
+printf '0;1;%s;%s;%s;%s;;;;;%s\n3;\n4\n' \
+ ${X_POS:-0} \
+ ${Y_POS:-0} \
+ "$img_width" \
+ "$img_height" \
+ "${CACHE:-$1}" | "$w3m" &>/dev/null
+# Wait for user input.
+read -ern 1
+# Clear the image.
+printf '6;%s;%s;%s;%s\n3;' \
+ "${X_POS:-0}" \
+ "${Y_POS:-0}" \
+ "$WIDTH" \
+ "$HEIGHT" | "$w3m" &>/dev/null
diff --git a/.config/lf/brodie/image b/.config/lf/brodie/image
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ddb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/brodie/image
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+readonly ID_PREVIEW="preview"
+main() {
+ case "$1" in
+ "clear")
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=remove [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW") \
+ ;;
+ "draw")
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW" \
+ [x]="$3" [y]="$4" [max_width]="$5" [max_height]="$6" \
+ [path]="$2") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
+ ;;
+ "*") echo "Unknown command: '$1', '$2'" ;;
+ esac
+main "$@"
diff --git a/.config/lf/brodie/preview b/.config/lf/brodie/preview
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3069a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/brodie/preview
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Clear the last preview (if any)
+$HOME/.config/lf/image clear
+# Calculate where the image should be placed on the screen.
+num=$(printf "%0.f\n" "`echo "$(tput cols) / 2" | bc`")
+numb=$(printf "%0.f\n" "`echo "$(tput cols) - $num - 1" | bc`")
+numc=$(printf "%0.f\n" "`echo "$(tput lines) - 2" | bc`")
+case "$1" in
+ *.tgz|*.tar.gz) tar tzf "$1";;
+ *.tar.bz2|*.tbz2) tar tjf "$1";;
+ *.tar.txz|*.txz) xz --list "$1";;
+ *.tar) tar tf "$1";;
+ *.zip|*.jar|*.war|*.ear|*.oxt) unzip -l "$1";;
+ *.rar) unrar l "$1";;
+ *.7z) 7z l "$1";;
+ *.[1-8]) man "$1" | col -b ;;
+ *.o) nm "$1" | less ;;
+ *.torrent) transmission-show "$1";;
+ *.iso) iso-info --no-header -l "$1";;
+ *odt,*.ods,*.odp,*.sxw) odt2txt "$1";;
+ *.doc) catdoc "$1" ;;
+ *.docx) docx2txt "$1" - ;;
+ *.csv) cat "$1" | sed s/,/\\n/g ;;
+ *.pdf)
+ CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumbcache.XXXXX)
+ pdftoppm -png -f 1 -singlefile "$1" "$CACHE"
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$CACHE.png" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *.epub)
+ CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumbcache.XXXXX)
+ epub-thumbnailer "$1" "$CACHE" 1024
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$CACHE" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *.bmp|*.jpg|*.jpeg|*.png|*.xpm)
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$1" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *.wav|*.mp3|*.flac|*.m4a|*.wma|*.ape|*.ac3|*.og[agx]|*.spx|*.opus|*.as[fx]|*.flac) exiftool "$1";;
+ *.avi|*.mp4|*.wmv|*.dat|*.3gp|*.ogv|*.mkv|*.mpg|*.mpeg|*.vob|*.fl[icv]|*.m2v|*.mov|*.webm|*.ts|*.mts|*.m4v|*.r[am]|*.qt|*.divx)
+ CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumbcache.XXXXX)
+ ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$1" -o "$CACHE" -s 0
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$CACHE" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *) highlight --out-format ansi "$1" || cat "$1";;
diff --git a/.config/lf/colors b/.config/lf/colors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edca7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/colors
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# vim:ft=dircolors
+# (This is not a dircolors file but it helps to highlight colors and comments)
+# default values from dircolors
+# (entries with a leading # are not implemented in lf)
+# #no 00 # NORMAL
+# fi 00 # FILE
+# #rs 0 # RESET
+# di 01;34 # DIR
+# ln 01;36 # LINK
+# pi 40;33 # FIFO
+# so 01;35 # SOCK
+# #do 01;35 # DOOR
+# bd 40;33;01 # BLK
+# cd 40;33;01 # CHR
+# or 40;31;01 # ORPHAN
+# #mi 00 # MISSING
+# su 37;41 # SETUID
+# sg 30;43 # SETGID
+# #ca 30;41 # CAPABILITY
+# ow 34;42 # OTHER_WRITABLE
+# st 37;44 # STICKY
+# ex 01;32 # EXEC
+# default values from lf (with matching order)
+# ln 01;36 # LINK
+# or 31;01 # ORPHAN
+# ow 01;34 # OTHER_WRITABLE
+# st 01;34 # STICKY
+# di 01;34 # DIR
+# pi 33 # FIFO
+# so 01;35 # SOCK
+# bd 33;01 # BLK
+# cd 33;01 # CHR
+# su 01;32 # SETUID
+# sg 01;32 # SETGID
+# ex 01;32 # EXEC
+# fi 00 # FILE
+# file types (with matching order)
+ln 01;36 # LINK
+or 31;01 # ORPHAN
+st 01;34 # STICKY
+di 01;34 # DIR
+pi 33 # FIFO
+so 01;35 # SOCK
+bd 33;01 # BLK
+cd 33;01 # CHR
+su 01;32 # SETUID
+sg 01;32 # SETGID
+ex 01;32 # EXEC
+fi 00 # FILE
+# archives or compressed (dircolors defaults)
+*.tar 01;31
+*.tgz 01;31
+*.arc 01;31
+*.arj 01;31
+*.taz 01;31
+*.lha 01;31
+*.lz4 01;31
+*.lzh 01;31
+*.lzma 01;31
+*.tlz 01;31
+*.txz 01;31
+*.tzo 01;31
+*.t7z 01;31
+*.zip 01;31
+*.z 01;31
+*.dz 01;31
+*.gz 01;31
+*.lrz 01;31
+*.lz 01;31
+*.lzo 01;31
+*.xz 01;31
+*.zst 01;31
+*.tzst 01;31
+*.bz2 01;31
+*.bz 01;31
+*.tbz 01;31
+*.tbz2 01;31
+*.tz 01;31
+*.deb 01;31
+*.rpm 01;31
+*.jar 01;31
+*.war 01;31
+*.ear 01;31
+*.sar 01;31
+*.rar 01;31
+*.alz 01;31
+*.ace 01;31
+*.zoo 01;31
+*.cpio 01;31
+*.7z 01;31
+*.rz 01;31
+*.cab 01;31
+*.wim 01;31
+*.swm 01;31
+*.dwm 01;31
+*.esd 01;31
+# image formats (dircolors defaults)
+*.jpg 01;35
+*.jpeg 01;35
+*.mjpg 01;35
+*.mjpeg 01;35
+*.gif 01;35
+*.bmp 01;35
+*.pbm 01;35
+*.pgm 01;35
+*.ppm 01;35
+*.tga 01;35
+*.xbm 01;35
+*.xpm 01;35
+*.tif 01;35
+*.tiff 01;35
+*.png 01;35
+*.webp 01;35
+*.svg 01;35
+*.svgz 01;35
+*.mng 01;35
+*.pcx 01;35
+*.mov 01;35
+*.mpg 01;35
+*.mpeg 01;35
+*.m2v 01;35
+*.mkv 01;35
+*.webm 01;35
+*.ogm 01;35
+*.mp4 01;35
+*.m4v 01;35
+*.mp4v 01;35
+*.vob 01;35
+*.qt 01;35
+*.nuv 01;35
+*.wmv 01;35
+*.asf 01;35
+*.rm 01;35
+*.rmvb 01;35
+*.flc 01;35
+*.avi 01;35
+*.fli 01;35
+*.flv 01;35
+*.gl 01;35
+*.dl 01;35
+*.xcf 01;35
+*.xwd 01;35
+*.yuv 01;35
+*.cgm 01;35
+*.emf 01;35
+*.ogv 01;35
+*.ogx 01;35
+# audio formats (dircolors defaults)
+*.aac 00;36
+*.au 00;36
+*.flac 00;36
+*.m4a 00;36
+*.mid 00;36
+*.midi 00;36
+*.mka 00;36
+*.mp3 00;36
+*.mpc 00;36
+*.ogg 00;36
+*.ra 00;36
+*.wav 00;36
+*.oga 00;36
+*.opus 00;36
+*.spx 00;36
+*.xspf 00;36
diff --git a/.config/lf/draw_img b/.config/lf/draw_img
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a70d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/draw_img
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+clear_screen() {
+ printf '\e[%sH\e[9999C\e[1J%b\e[1;%sr' \
+ "$((LINES-2))" "${TMUX:+\e[2J}" "$max_items"
+# Get a file's mime_type.
+mime_type=$(file -bi "$1")
+# File isn't an image file, give warning.
+if [[ $mime_type != image/* ]]; then
+ lf -remote "send $id echoerr 'Not an image'"
+ exit
+read -r w3m _ < <(type -p w3mimgdisplay "${w3m_paths[@]}")
+read -r LINES COLUMNS < <(stty size)
+# Get terminal window size in pixels and set it to WIDTH and HEIGHT.
+export $(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowgeometry --shell)
+# Get the image size in pixels.
+read -r img_width img_height < <("$w3m" <<< "5;${CACHE:-$1}")
+((img_width > WIDTH)) && {
+ ((img_height=img_height*WIDTH/img_width))
+ ((img_width=WIDTH))
+((img_height > HEIGHT)) && {
+ ((img_width=img_width*HEIGHT/img_height))
+ ((img_height=HEIGHT))
+# Variable needed for centering image.
+HALF_HEIGHT=$(expr $HEIGHT / 2)
+HALF_WIDTH=$(expr $WIDTH / 2)
+HALF_IMG_HEIGHT=$(expr $img_height / 2)
+HALF_IMG_WIDTH=$(expr $img_width / 2)
+# Hide the cursor.
+printf '\e[?25l'
+# Display the image.
+printf '0;1;%s;%s;%s;%s;;;;;%s\n3;\n4\n' \
+ ${X_POS:-0} \
+ ${Y_POS:-0} \
+ "$img_width" \
+ "$img_height" \
+ "${CACHE:-$1}" | "$w3m" &>/dev/null
+# Wait for user input.
+read -ern 1
+# Clear the image.
+printf '6;%s;%s;%s;%s\n3;' \
+ "${X_POS:-0}" \
+ "${Y_POS:-0}" \
+ "$WIDTH" \
+ "$HEIGHT" | "$w3m" &>/dev/null
diff --git a/.config/lf/history b/.config/lf/history
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1732142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/history
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+$ mkdir "Gutar Gu S01 720p 10bit"
+$ mkdir Telusko
+$ mkdir Telusko
+$ mkdir system.txt
+$ mkdir Series
+$ chmod -x .dmenurc
+$ chmod -x .dmenurc
diff --git a/.config/lf/icons b/.config/lf/icons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b900bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/icons
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# vim:ft=conf
+# These examples require Nerd Fonts or a compatible font to be used.
+# See for more information.
+# default values from lf (with matching order)
+# ln l # LINK
+# or l # ORPHAN
+# st t # STICKY
+# di d # DIR
+# pi p # FIFO
+# so s # SOCK
+# bd b # BLK
+# cd c # CHR
+# su u # SETUID
+# sg g # SETGID
+# ex x # EXEC
+# fi - # FILE
+# file types (with matching order)
+ln  # LINK
+or  # ORPHAN
+st t # STICKY
+di  # DIR
+pi p # FIFO
+so s # SOCK
+bd b # BLK
+cd c # CHR
+su u # SETUID
+sg g # SETGID
+ex  # EXEC
+fi  # FILE
+# file extensions (vim-devicons)
+*.styl 
+*.sass 
+*.scss 
+*.htm 
+*.html 
+*.slim 
+*.haml 
+*.ejs 
+*.css 
+*.less 
+*.md 
+*.mdx 
+*.markdown 
+*.rmd 
+*.json 
+*.webmanifest 
+*.js 
+*.mjs 
+*.jsx 
+*.rb 
+*.gemspec 
+*.rake 
+*.php 
+*.py 
+*.pyc 
+*.pyo 
+*.pyd 
+*.coffee 
+*.mustache 
+*.hbs 
+*.conf 
+*.ini 
+*.yml 
+*.yaml 
+*.toml 
+*.bat 
+*.mk 
+*.jpg 
+*.jpeg 
+*.bmp 
+*.png 
+*.webp 
+*.gif 
+*.ico 
+*.twig 
+*.cpp 
+*.c++ 
+*.cxx 
+*.cc 
+*.cp 
+*.c 
+*.cs 󰌛
+*.h 
+*.hh 
+*.hpp 
+*.hxx 
+*.hs 
+*.lhs 
+*.nix 
+*.lua 
+*.java 
+*.sh 
+*.fish 
+*.bash 
+*.zsh 
+*.ksh 
+*.csh 
+*.awk 
+*.ps1 
+*.ml λ
+*.mli λ
+*.diff 
+*.db 
+*.sql 
+*.dump 
+*.clj 
+*.cljc 
+*.cljs 
+*.edn 
+*.scala 
+*.go 
+*.dart 
+*.xul 
+*.sln 
+*.suo 
+*.pl 
+*.pm 
+*.t 
+*.rss 
+'*.f#' 
+*.fsscript 
+*.fsx 
+*.fs 
+*.fsi 
+*.rs 
+*.rlib 
+*.d 
+*.erl 
+*.hrl 
+*.ex 
+*.exs 
+*.eex 
+*.leex 
+*.heex 
+*.vim 
+*.ai 
+*.psd 
+*.psb 
+*.ts 
+*.tsx 
+*.jl 
+*.pp 
+*.vue 
+*.elm 
+*.swift 
+*.xcplayground 
+*.tex 󰙩
+*.r 󰟔
+*.rproj 󰗆
+*.sol 󰡪
+*.pem 
+# file names (vim-devicons) (case-insensitive not supported in lf)
+* 
+*gruntfile.js 
+* 
+* 
+*gulpfile.js 
+* 
+*mix.lock 
+*dropbox 
+*.ds_store 
+*.gitconfig 
+*.gitignore 
+*.gitattributes 
+*.gitlab-ci.yml 
+*.bashrc 
+*.zshrc 
+*.zshenv 
+*.zprofile 
+*.vimrc 
+*.gvimrc 
+*_vimrc 
+*_gvimrc 
+*.bashprofile 
+*favicon.ico 
+*license 
+*node_modules 
+*react.jsx 
+*procfile 
+*dockerfile 
+*docker-compose.yml 
+*rakefile 
+* 
+*gemfile 
+*makefile 
+*cmakelists.txt 
+*robots.txt 󰚩
+# file names (case-sensitive adaptations)
+* 
+*Gruntfile.js 
+* 
+* 
+*Gulpfile.js 
+* 
+*Dropbox 
+*.DS_Store 
+*React.jsx 
+*Procfile 
+*Dockerfile 
+*Docker-compose.yml 
+*Rakefile 
+*Gemfile 
+*Makefile 
+*CMakeLists.txt 
+# file patterns (vim-devicons) (patterns not supported in lf)
+# .*jquery.*\.js$ 
+# .*angular.*\.js$ 
+# .*backbone.*\.js$ 
+# .*require.*\.js$ 
+# .*materialize.*\.js$ 
+# .*materialize.*\.css$ 
+# .*mootools.*\.js$ 
+# .*vimrc.* 
+# Vagrantfile$ 
+# file patterns (file name adaptations)
+*jquery.min.js 
+*angular.min.js 
+*backbone.min.js 
+*require.min.js 
+*materialize.min.js 
+*materialize.min.css 
+*mootools.min.js 
+*vimrc 
+Vagrantfile 
+# archives or compressed (extensions from dircolors defaults)
+*.tar 
+*.tgz 
+*.arc 
+*.arj 
+*.taz 
+*.lha 
+*.lz4 
+*.lzh 
+*.lzma 
+*.tlz 
+*.txz 
+*.tzo 
+*.t7z 
+*.zip 
+*.z 
+*.dz 
+*.gz 
+*.lrz 
+*.lz 
+*.lzo 
+*.xz 
+*.zst 
+*.tzst 
+*.bz2 
+*.bz 
+*.tbz 
+*.tbz2 
+*.tz 
+*.deb 
+*.rpm 
+*.jar 
+*.war 
+*.ear 
+*.sar 
+*.rar 
+*.alz 
+*.ace 
+*.zoo 
+*.cpio 
+*.7z 
+*.rz 
+*.cab 
+*.wim 
+*.swm 
+*.dwm 
+*.esd 
+# image formats (extensions from dircolors defaults)
+*.jpg 
+*.jpeg 
+*.mjpg 
+*.mjpeg 
+*.gif 
+*.bmp 
+*.pbm 
+*.pgm 
+*.ppm 
+*.tga 
+*.xbm 
+*.xpm 
+*.tif 
+*.tiff 
+*.png 
+*.svg 
+*.svgz 
+*.mng 
+*.pcx 
+*.mov 
+*.mpg 
+*.mpeg 
+*.m2v 
+*.mkv 
+*.webm 
+*.ogm 
+*.mp4 
+*.m4v 
+*.mp4v 
+*.vob 
+*.qt 
+*.nuv 
+*.wmv 
+*.asf 
+*.rm 
+*.rmvb 
+*.flc 
+*.avi 
+*.fli 
+*.flv 
+*.gl 
+*.dl 
+*.xcf 
+*.xwd 
+*.yuv 
+*.cgm 
+*.emf 
+*.ogv 
+*.ogx 
+# audio formats (extensions from dircolors defaults)
+*.aac 
+*.au 
+*.flac 
+*.m4a 
+*.mid 
+*.midi 
+*.mka 
+*.mp3 
+*.mpc 
+*.ogg 
+*.ra 
+*.wav 
+*.oga 
+*.opus 
+*.spx 
+*.xspf 
+# other formats
+*.pdf 
+*.log 
diff --git a/.config/lf/image b/.config/lf/image
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ddb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/image
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+readonly ID_PREVIEW="preview"
+main() {
+ case "$1" in
+ "clear")
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=remove [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW") \
+ ;;
+ "draw")
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW" \
+ [x]="$3" [y]="$4" [max_width]="$5" [max_height]="$6" \
+ [path]="$2") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
+ ;;
+ "*") echo "Unknown command: '$1', '$2'" ;;
+ esac
+main "$@"
diff --git a/.config/lf/lfrc b/.config/lf/lfrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf9b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/lfrc
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# interpreter for shell commands
+set shell sh
+# set '-eu' options for shell commands
+# These options are used to have safer shell commands. Option '-e' is used to
+# exit on error and option '-u' is used to give error for unset variables.
+# Option '-f' disables pathname expansion which can be useful when $f, $fs, and
+# $fx variables contain names with '*' or '?' characters. However, this option
+# is used selectively within individual commands as it can be limiting at
+# times.
+set shellopts '-eu'
+# set internal field separator (IFS) to "\n" for shell commands
+# This is useful to automatically split file names in $fs and $fx properly
+# since default file separator used in these variables (i.e. 'filesep' option)
+# is newline. You need to consider the values of these options and create your
+# commands accordingly.
+set ifs "\n"
+# leave some space at the top and the bottom of the screen
+set scrolloff 5
+# Basic Settings
+set hidden true
+#set drawbox true
+set icons true
+set ignorecase true
+set smartcase true
+set mouse
+set previewer preview
+set preview
+cmd open $$OPENER $f
+cmd on-cd &{{
+ sed -i "\|^$PWD$|d" ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/cdhist
+ echo "$PWD" >> ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/cdhist
+cmd extract ${{
+ # extract the current file with the right command
+ # (xkcd link:
+ set -f
+ for f in $fx; do case "$f" in
+ *.tar) tar xvf "$f" ;;
+ *|*.tar.bz2|*.tbz|*.tbz2) tar xjvf "$f" ;;
+ *.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar xzvf "$f" ;;
+ *.tar.xz|*.txz) tar xJvf "$f" ;;
+ *.gz) gunzip "$f" ;;
+ *.zip) unzip "$f" ;;
+ *.rar) unrar x "$f" ;;
+ *.7z) 7z x "$f" ;;
+ *.zst) unzstd "$f" ;;
+ *) echo "Unsupported format" >&2; exit 1 ;;
+ esac done
+cmd link_index %{{
+ case "$f" in
+ *.html) index="index.html" ;;
+ *) echo "Unsupported file"; exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+ [ -e "$index" ] && [ ! -L "$index" ] && {
+ echo "Failed: $index already exists and is not a symbolic link"
+ exit
+ }
+ ln -sf "$f" "$index"
+cmd select_eval ${{
+ res="$(eval "$@")"
+ [ -d "$res" ] &&
+ lf -remote "send $id cd \"$res\"" ||
+ lf -remote "send $id select \"$res\""
+cmd link %{{
+ set -- $(cat ~/.local/share/lf/files)
+ mode="$1"
+ shift
+ [ "$#" -lt 1 ] &&
+ { lf -remote "send $id echo no files to link"; exit 0; }
+ case "$mode" in
+ copy) ln -sr -t . -- "$@";;
+ move) ln -t . -- "$@";;
+ esac
+ rm ~/.local/share/lf/files
+ lf -remote "send clear"
+# Basic Functions
+cmap <tab> cmd-menu-complete
+cmap <backtab> cmd-menu-complete-back
+map <enter> shell
+map <delete> trash
+map <c-space> set preview!
+map <c-n> push $mkdir<space>""<c-b>
+map <a-s> :source ~/.config/lf/lfrc
+map <tab> :toggle; down
+map <backtab> :toggle; up
+map Z :toggle; up
+map <c-j> select_eval "fzf --reverse --header-first --header='Jump to location'"
+map <backspace> ${{ lf -remote "send $id select \"$(cat ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/openhist |
+ fzf --tac --reverse --header-first --header='File History')\"" }}
+map <c-k> ${{ lf -remote "send $id cd \"$(cat ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/cdhist |
+ fzf --tac --reverse --header-first --header='Path History')\"" }}
+map <c-c> ${{ lf -remote "send $id cd \"$(find -mindepth 1 -type d |
+ fzf --reverse --header-first --header='Jump to directory')\"" }}
+map c
+map d
+map I :rename; cmd-home
+map i :rename
+map a :rename; cmd-right
+map A :rename; cmd-end
+map S push A<c-u>
+map o $LESSOPEN="|preview %s" less $f
+map O $mimeopen --ask $f
+map . set hidden!
+map x cut
+map M $lf -remote "send $id select \"$(fmd)\""
+map D delete
+map W $setsid -f $TERMINAL >/dev/null 2>&1
+map X !$f
+map T !dev test $f
+map b $vidir
+map V push :!nvim<space>""<c-b>
+map P :link
+map ge extract $f
+map gl clear
+map gx ${{ chmod u+x $fx; lf -remote "send $id reload"; }}
+map gX ${{ chmod -x $fx; lf -remote "send $id reload"; }}
+map gm push $chmod<space>--<space>$fx<c-a><a-f><space>
+map gL %lf -remote "send ${id} select '$(readlink $f)'"
+map gd !du -hd1
+map gf !file $f
+map gy %{{ printf "%s" "$f" | xsel -b }}
+map gY %{{ printf "%s" "$fs" | xsel -b }}
+map gi link_index
+map gsh $setbg $f
+map gsl $setbg -l $f
+map zpp set previewer preview
+map zpc set previewer cat
+map zpb set previewer preview-bat
+map zph set previewer preview-highlight
+# Trash Mappings
+map dd ${{ echo "$fx" | xargs -I{} trash-put "{}" }}
+map dtc $trash-empty
+map dtr $trash-restore
+# Dragon Mapping
+map dr %dragon-drop -a -x $fx
+map ds %dragon-drop -a $fx
+map di %dragon-drop $fx
+map dm %cpdragon
+map dc %mvdragon
+map dl %dlfile
+source ~/.config/lf/shortcutrc
diff --git a/.config/lf/luke/scope b/.config/lf/luke/scope
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc55669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/luke/scope
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# File preview handler for lf.
+set -C -f
+IFS="$(printf '%b_' '\n')"; IFS="${IFS%_}"
+image() {
+ if [ -f "$1" ] && [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -z "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ] && command -V ueberzug >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ printf '{"action": "add", "identifier": "PREVIEW", "x": "%s", "y": "%s", "width": "%s", "height": "%s", "scaler": "contain", "path": "%s"}\n' "$4" "$5" "$(($2-1))" "$(($3-1))" "$1" > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
+ else
+ mediainfo "$6"
+ fi
+ifub() {
+ [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -z "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ] && command -V ueberzug >/dev/null 2>&1
+# Note that the cache file name is a function of file information, meaning if
+# an image appears in multiple places across the machine, it will not have to
+# be regenerated once seen.
+case "$(file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "$1")" in
+ image/avif) CACHE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/lf/thumb.$(stat --printf '%n\0%i\0%F\0%s\0%W\0%Y' -- "$(readlink -f "$1")" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ [ ! -f "$CACHE" ] && convert "$1" "$CACHE.jpg"
+ image "$CACHE.jpg" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$1" ;;
+ image/vnd.djvu)
+ CACHE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/lf/thumb.$(stat --printf '%n\0%i\0%F\0%s\0%W\0%Y' -- "$(readlink -f "$1")" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ [ ! -f "$CACHE" ] && djvused "$1" -e 'select 1; save-page-with /dev/stdout' | convert -density 200 - "$CACHE.jpg" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ image "$CACHE.jpg" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$1" ;;
+ image/*) image "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$1" ;;
+ text/html) lynx -width="$4" -display_charset=utf-8 -dump "$1" ;;
+ text/troff) man ./ "$1" | col -b ;;
+ text/* | */xml | application/json | application/x-ndjson) bat --terminal-width "$(($4-2))" -f "$1" ;;
+ audio/* | application/octet-stream) mediainfo "$1" || exit 1 ;;
+ video/* )
+ CACHE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/lf/thumb.$(stat --printf '%n\0%i\0%F\0%s\0%W\0%Y' -- "$(readlink -f "$1")" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ [ ! -f "$CACHE" ] && ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$1" -o "$CACHE" -s 0
+ image "$CACHE" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$1"
+ ;;
+ */pdf)
+ CACHE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/lf/thumb.$(stat --printf '%n\0%i\0%F\0%s\0%W\0%Y' -- "$(readlink -f "$1")" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ [ ! -f "$CACHE.jpg" ] && pdftoppm -jpeg -f 1 -singlefile "$1" "$CACHE"
+ image "$CACHE.jpg" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$1"
+ ;;
+ */epub+zip|*/mobi*)
+ CACHE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/lf/thumb.$(stat --printf '%n\0%i\0%F\0%s\0%W\0%Y' -- "$(readlink -f "$1")" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ [ ! -f "$CACHE.jpg" ] && gnome-epub-thumbnailer "$1" "$CACHE.jpg"
+ image "$CACHE.jpg" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$1"
+ ;;
+ application/*zip) atool --list -- "$1" ;;
+ *opendocument*) odt2txt "$1" ;;
+ application/pgp-encrypted) gpg -d -- "$1" ;;
+exit 1
diff --git a/.config/lf/preview b/.config/lf/preview
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3069a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/lf/preview
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Clear the last preview (if any)
+$HOME/.config/lf/image clear
+# Calculate where the image should be placed on the screen.
+num=$(printf "%0.f\n" "`echo "$(tput cols) / 2" | bc`")
+numb=$(printf "%0.f\n" "`echo "$(tput cols) - $num - 1" | bc`")
+numc=$(printf "%0.f\n" "`echo "$(tput lines) - 2" | bc`")
+case "$1" in
+ *.tgz|*.tar.gz) tar tzf "$1";;
+ *.tar.bz2|*.tbz2) tar tjf "$1";;
+ *.tar.txz|*.txz) xz --list "$1";;
+ *.tar) tar tf "$1";;
+ *.zip|*.jar|*.war|*.ear|*.oxt) unzip -l "$1";;
+ *.rar) unrar l "$1";;
+ *.7z) 7z l "$1";;
+ *.[1-8]) man "$1" | col -b ;;
+ *.o) nm "$1" | less ;;
+ *.torrent) transmission-show "$1";;
+ *.iso) iso-info --no-header -l "$1";;
+ *odt,*.ods,*.odp,*.sxw) odt2txt "$1";;
+ *.doc) catdoc "$1" ;;
+ *.docx) docx2txt "$1" - ;;
+ *.csv) cat "$1" | sed s/,/\\n/g ;;
+ *.pdf)
+ CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumbcache.XXXXX)
+ pdftoppm -png -f 1 -singlefile "$1" "$CACHE"
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$CACHE.png" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *.epub)
+ CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumbcache.XXXXX)
+ epub-thumbnailer "$1" "$CACHE" 1024
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$CACHE" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *.bmp|*.jpg|*.jpeg|*.png|*.xpm)
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$1" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *.wav|*.mp3|*.flac|*.m4a|*.wma|*.ape|*.ac3|*.og[agx]|*.spx|*.opus|*.as[fx]|*.flac) exiftool "$1";;
+ *.avi|*.mp4|*.wmv|*.dat|*.3gp|*.ogv|*.mkv|*.mpg|*.mpeg|*.vob|*.fl[icv]|*.m2v|*.mov|*.webm|*.ts|*.mts|*.m4v|*.r[am]|*.qt|*.divx)
+ CACHE=$(mktemp /tmp/thumbcache.XXXXX)
+ ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$1" -o "$CACHE" -s 0
+ $HOME/.config/lf/image draw "$CACHE" $num 1 $numb $numc
+ ;;
+ *) highlight --out-format ansi "$1" || cat "$1";;